Baby smiling at care giver

National Home Visiting Summit

Our annual conference brings together early childhood leaders from across the county to advance the home visiting field.

Latest News

Mark your calendars for February 12-14, 2025, for the National Home Visiting Summit! Held in-person in Washington, D.C., at the Grand Hyatt Washington  Join our mailing list to learn more about the Summit and to be notified when registration opens.

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Save the Date: National Home Visiting Summit February 12-14, 2025

2024 Summit

The 2024 Summit brought together early childhood leaders to advance the home visiting field and was held January 31 – February 2, 2024 in Washington, D.C.  Watch the Plenary Sessions from the 2024 National Home Visiting Summit:

Watch Plenaries

The National Home Visiting Summit brings together state and federal administrative and legislative systems leaders, federal, state, and local policy advocates, researchers, program and practice leaders, direct service providers, parents/caregivers and philanthropic partners. Attendees at the Summit seek information and connections that support and strengthen their role as decision-makers and change agents in the home visiting field and connected systems (e.g., immigration, healthcare, child welfare, housing, etc.).

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Communities of Practice

Our Communities of Practice utilize the learning group’s collective knowledge and experience to promote broad practice, policy and systems change/knowledge building.

Early childhood professional development training
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Explore Past Summits

Take a look at agendas, conference materials and plenary sessions highlights from past Summits to get a feel for what to expect.