This publication provides an overview of Preschool for All and the Illinois Early Learning Council’s recommended next steps for funding and implementing it in Illinois. In 2006, our state had made significant advancements in its early learning system. Implementing a Preschool for All program could help ensure that the excellence that is available to some young children is available to all of our preschoolers and families.
Preschool for All: High-Quality Early Education for all of Illinois’ Children
This publication provides an overview of Preschool for All and recommended steps for funding and implementing it in IL.
Key Findings
In order to implement a Preschool for All program, this publication recommended Illinois:
- Build capacity to implement Preschool for All over multiple years, prioritizing high qualifications for staff, particularly lead teachers and program directors; improving staff preparation; and providing excellent ongoing professional development.
- Examine funding sources: Preschool for All monies would supplement, not replace, existing early childhood education funding streams, and would support infrastructure that promotes quality.
- Forge a coordinated, integrated early learning system that families can understand and easily access.
- Encourage and support community collaborations that foster partnerships and enhance service coordination at the local level between schools, early care and education providers, child care resource and referral agencies, colleges and universities, businesses, government, service groups, and parents.