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Washington State Origin Story

Start Early Washington works with state and local partners to strengthen early learning systems in Washington state and provide every child with equitable access to high quality services.

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Start Early Washington launched on February 1, 2020 as a state office of Start Early, building on deep relationships and expertise in the field of early learning in Washington state. Start Early Washington focuses on informing systems, driving innovation, supporting the workforce and advocating for equitable prenatal-to-age 5 learning experiences for children and families. As champions for children and families, we work to ensure families have access to services that promote strong, lifelong outcomes for Washington state’s youngest residents.

Our Approach

Combined with our on-the-ground knowledge of Washington state’s early learning systems, Start Early Washington is committed to:

  • Building systems that work for children and families: Through a public-private partnership, we work closely with state and local partners — including the Department of Children, Youth and Families — to provide statewide program support to enact policies and build a strong prenatal-to-age 5 system.
  • Ensuring quality early learning experiences: We provide comprehensive implementation supports at all stages of program design, implementation and growth. We drive learning and innovation by collaborating with community and state partners to elevate best practices and local expertise.
  • Supporting a strong early learning workforce: Partnering with public and private funders, we offer professional development, technical assistance and training for home visitors and early learning professionals across the state to ensure families receive high quality services.
  • Advocating for Washington state’s children and families: Our advocacy work seeks to increase the visibility and commitment to early learning in the state. We partner with peer organizations, state leaders and early learning champions to secure robust, equitable and sustainable state and local policies that put children and families first, especially those living in communities that are under-resourced.