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Shalaya’s Story

After giving her daughter the opportunity to start early at Educare Milwaukee, ShaLaya joined the staff as a teaching assistant to give every child, family and community the opportunity to thrive. Read her story.

October 1, 2020
  • Start Early Stories
  • Blog

Start Early & give every child, family and community the opportunity to thrive

ShaLaya was seeking a more enriching learning environment for her daughter, but she ended up finding her calling. Just two months after enrolling her daughter at Educare Milwaukee, a school in the Educare Learning Network — a partnership between Start Early and early learning champions across the country, ShaLaya joined the staff as a teaching assistant. Once hired, she quickly wanted to do more. She wanted to give her students the same services that the teachers were giving to her child. Her goal was to become an Educare teacher and provide a better life for her family through education and a higher salary. In 2016, she achieved her goal by earning her bachelor’s degree, a teaching requirement at the center. Today, she loves seeing her children grow and looks forward to impacting many more children and their families down the road. She could not be prouder of her daughter, who is currently thriving in her local elementary school, or herself.

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