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Learning About Me: Activities & Resources for Parents & Caregivers

Resources from our partners at Big Heart World to support your child’s social and emotional learning.

July 26, 2021
  • Family Engagement
  • Health and Development
  • Resource

“Who am I?” From the moment babies are born, they are learning about who they are, how to express their feelings and what makes them special. Their earliest relationships with parents and caregivers help develop a sense of belonging and set the foundation for their future learning and success.

Parents and caregivers can help young children along as they grow and learn more about who they are, their feelings and how they fit into this world.

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Check out Big Heart World’s Parent and Caregiver Guides for more fun ideas to support your child’s social and emotional learning in the areas of Identify & Belonging, Feelings, and Similarities & Differences.

Resources for Families

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