Little girl smiling with light purple overlay
Advocacy in Action

Illinois Advocacy in Action Series

April 6, 2022

Lend your voice and share your experiences to amplify the importance of quality early learning and care programs for Illinois families, and join us virtually on April 6 for our day of action!

Mother and child engaging with technologyWe are pleased to present several tools and opportunities for advocates to support legislative advocacy efforts throughout the current Illinois legislative session. With our easy-to-use resources, you can call for increased investments and improvements to early childhood services in the state.

Even virtually, we must come together to amplify the importance of early learning and care, and also thank front line workers within the early childhood field – child care providers, home visitors, doulas and others – who have continued to support and provide for our youngest learners.

About the Series

Why Now?

Take Action Icon in RedThe legislative session is now underway and due to the ongoing pandemic, the session will be much shorter and is scheduled to adjourn early April. Advocate voices, thus, are particularly important as we have less time to influence our lawmakers.

Our goals for the spring 2022 legislative session include:

  • Codifying existing timeline for the initiation of EI services
  • Expanding eligibility to CCAP and EI for kids involved in the child welfare system
  • Passing legislation to create paid family leave program

Securing additional funding for:

  • Early Childhood Block Grant at the Illinois State Board of Education
  • Voluntary home visiting programs at the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS)
  • Early Intervention (EI) program at IDHS  Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) at the Illinois Department of Human Services at IDHS


View our complete Illinois Legislative Agenda to learn more about priorities Start Early supports during the Spring 2022 legislative session.

What to Expect

Information Icon in RedOur advocacy resources include short “how to” videos and opportunities to learn more about your legislators and contact them via email. Throughout the session, new resources will become available, all leading up to our virtual annual Early Childhood Advocacy Day on April 6. In addition, we plan to share short video updates during the legislative session on our Illinois Policy Twitter page, @EarlyEdIL, to keep you informed of the happenings in Springfield.

Stay Connected

talk bubbles icon in redIs your community group interested in hosting a dialogue with your state legislators about the importance of early learning and care? Or do you have questions on the legislative session or the resources offered? Contact us at

Join Us Virtually on April 6

Early Childhood Advocacy Day

Day of Action: Join Us on April 6Join advocates from across the state virtually on Wednesday, April 6 to speak out on behalf of young children and families. We need your voice to champion the importance of early childhood programs to Illinois lawmakers. Learn more about Early Childhood Advocacy Day and how you can participate by contacting your legislators to invest in Illinois’ youngest learners and their families.

Learn More

Advocacy in Action Resources

Little boy playing with play carpenter tool setOur latest advocacy how-to- graphics and short videos offer step-by-step overviews on ways you can be an advocate for early childhood programs and stress the importance of investments for the state’s youngest learners. Keep checking back for additional resources during the course of our spring series.

Ask Illinois Lawmakers: Increase State Investment by 10% in Early Childhood Education & Care Services

Ready to take action? Join Start Early in asking the Illinois General Assembly to increase state funding by at least 10% for critical early care and education services.

Take Action Now
Illinois Policy

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