Dr. Rochester Headshot

Shana E. Rochester, Ph.D.

Research Scientist, Child Trends

Shana E. Rochester is a research scientist in the early childhood education (ECE) area at Child Trends. Her research explores how early education settings and family-based programming can positively affect the academic and social development of young children, ages birth to eight, from historically marginalized communities. She also studies how strength-based approaches can create affirming learning environments for young learners. Rochester has expertise (1) evaluating programs related to literacy engagement and instruction, (2) using large administrative datasets, and (3) validating early childhood observation tools. At Child Trends, Rochester leads and supports work related to equitable ECE practices using quantitative and qualitative research methods. She also contributes to Child Trends’ applied research agenda on Black children and families. Rochester’s work has been funded by the Foundation for Child Development and the RAND Corporation, and she has published in several prominent peer-reviewed journals, including Child Development and Early Childhood Research Quarterly.

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